Our Tasmanian Purple Seed Garlic / Premium Garlic is certified Demeter Biodynamic to the national Organic Standard. We save our own bulbs for seed every year, selecting the largest highest quality bulbs. Planting the biggest cloves increases yield. We get a lot of requests for seed garlic. So now we have a range of our premium quality seed garlic for sale. You can also eat our seed garlic. we recommend saving the biggest cloves to plant and eating the small ones. It is a high-quality product that is full of flavour and grown using the Demeter Biodynamic Method. (Note due to Rust in our garlic this year we recommend soaking garlic cloves before planting. Break the bulbs apart and soak the cloves overnight (don’t do it for any longer) in 1L of water with 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda. If you also add 2 teaspoons of seaweed extract this will encourage root growth). We grow our garlic the way nature intended structuring the soil with multi species cover crops and applying Biodynamic preparations to help build soil humus. We rotate our crops to promote soil health. Our current rotation is garlic followed by pumpkins, then a winter and a summer cover crop before the next garlic crop. Tasmanian Purple is a hard neck variety that we harvest in mid November and plant in mid April. It will store well till mid to late April and may start to shoot after that point if it gets to cold but don't worry there are plenty of simple ways to preserve garlic in your own home. Our garlic is hand planted and harvested and carefully cured and to ensure maximum freshness and flavour. The bulbs are then sorted and packed by hand, ensuring that each one is of the highest quality. As farmers we have a big responsibility...
Beechworth Natural Farm
100% Organic
100% Bio-Dynamic
100% Beechworth